Letter from Kerry Meades for Cherly Cole

Letter from Kerry Meades for Cherly Cole

Cherly Cole get a letter of apology given by flight attendants involved forbidden love with Ashley Cole, Kerry Meades. In his letter, the flight attendant Cheryl also warned that the nature of the hobby cheating husband will never change.

The following are extracts a letter he sent, as reported by The Sun:

Dear Cheryl

I want to start this letter with my apology. Not because of my actions, because I am still single and I think Ashley, too. But, I apologize because Ashley has not changed what you think.

It is obvious that you love him because you dare to take risks to take it again. I felt guilty because he let you down again.

Ashley was intending to prove his love to you, but he failed. I think, he will never change.

I obviously loved it. He was short, but that is the excess. But do not be fooled by her attitude.

He has figured out and she knew exactly what he was doing. When he wants to win you back, she made ​​love with me.